Fitness Together put out the call - Why Do You Need a Personal Trainer? The best entry won a two month training package to help them on the path to their health and fitness goals. From all the entries, Anna's essay touched the group the most and was selected to receive the Free Training sessions. Follow her journey as she heads down the road to her new life of wellness. Below Anna talks about her feelings before starting this endeavor.
"I am so thankful to have been chosen as the winner of the 2-month training package – I never win anything! I must admit that as I climbed the stairs to Fitness Together for my first fitness test I was:
- Nervous - it felt reminiscent of the first day of school
- Insecure - I have never had a successful “gym” experience
- Worried – that wouldn’t have enough motivation
- but mostly EXCITED! – I have the opportunity to have a personal trainer and star in my own version of the “Biggest Loser”!
As I embark on week one I definitely have doubts: Am I strong enough? Determined enough? Disciplined enough? But for all my doubts I have high hopes, achievable goals, a little bit of confidence, growing motivation and tremendous enthusiasm!"
Go get'em Anna!