Wednesday, March 19, 2008

March Client of the Month - Jenny

"Motivation and temptation have always been two of my biggest enemies. I joined FT at the beginning of December with one goal in mind: Look good in my wedding dress! I am happy to say that my wedding is 3 weeks away and I am feeling like I am in better shape than I have been in a long time. My belt is notching 2 holes smaller, my tight pants are finally starting to fit properly and my seamstress told me that if I lost any more weight, I would have to have my wedding dress taken in!

The trainers at FT have been very motivating as well as supportive. Just when I feel like I am ready to throw in the towel, they switch up my routine and bring me back to focus. I appreciate the pep talks as well as their belief in me. It was a happy day when I went to my doctor for my annual check-up and she told me that I weighed less than I had in a long time! I feel like there is finally a light at the end of the tunnel! Thanks to everyone for pushing me! (But I still work out harder than you do, Jim!)"
Jenny has been very committed to her training program since joining Fitness Together. In addition to the strength training, Jenny joined the running group and participated in the St. Pat’s Day Dash. Her energy and smile is infectious with the other clients. Great job working towards your goal and congrats on your upcoming nuptials.

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