Tuesday, October 6, 2009

October Client of the Month - Matt Y.

We always love to see clients return to work on their health and fitness goals. In his first go around, Matt had his workouts in the evenings, but with his return to the studio he has moved to the early morning sessions. Not only is his energy level higher, it has been more conducive with his work and travel schedule.

Despite his frequent travels to the east coast and back, Matt has really pushed himself not only on the strength side, but with his cardio workouts here and at home. Great job holding yourself accountable Matt and we look forward to helping you continue to raise the bar!

In Matt's own words: "The Fitness Together experience has been positive both from the gains I have made physically and the way I feel as a client. The trainers are genuinely interested in my success. Their positive attitude and commitment reinforces my desire to stay committed to the process. The individually tailored sessions make a real difference in getting great workout in a short period of time, which is important with a busy schedule. Thank you Fitness Together team for doing a great job."

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