And we have winner! Well, everyone is a winner who participated in the Fall Fitness Challenge by improving their health. But the client who finished atop the leader board turned out to be Rich who was holding second for most of the contest. He snuck by with a final push in bonus points in the last week to pass "Everyday Ada". It was a great race by all who participated. Here are the final results:
Rich: 201 points / 1st Prize = 3 Free Sessions
Ada: 186 points / 2nd Prize = 2 Free Sessions
Chris: 143 points / 3rd Prize = 1 Free Session
Sangree: 133 points
Trisa: 117 points
Wendy: 115 points / Most Improved = 1 Free Massage
Everyone on the leader board participated anywhere from 4 - 6 days per week. By the end of the contest, all had seen some changes whether in body composition or in their cardiovascular health. This contest was a good reminder that by staying active each day, you can make changes to your body, you just have to make the commitment to yourself for the time.