The West Seattle team is excited to welcome Brenda to our evening training team. She brings a wealth of experience and enthusiasm to those needing a jump start after work. We think you will do handstands just like her.
Here is a little bit of background on our latest addition. "By nature, I have always been a competitive, active individual. From age 8 to 18 I participated in gymnastics, dance and softball. In college I developed a passion for rugby and danced throughout. These days my activities include running and weight training of course! The joy I have from my job stems from the fact that all major diseases which shorten our lifespans stem from lack of proper nutrition and exercise and high stress levels... and that ALL of these can changed by their opposites (exercise, eating right, and decreasing stress levels!) To know that I am helping people live a longer, happier, healthier life motivates me every day to do it all over again!
I have been a personal trainer since 2005 and am certified by the International Sports and Science Association (ISSA) as a CPT, the National Academy of Sports and Medicine (NASM) as a CPT, Performance Enhancing Specialist (PES) and Corrective Exercise Specialist (CES). I am also certified by the American Heart Association in First Aid and CPR as well as having a BA from Saint Mary's College of California."
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