Tuesday, May 5, 2009

May Client of the Month - Bette Joram

We wanted to recognize Bette for all her hard work since she started with us. Here is a little bit about Bette from Duncan "I remember Bette's first workout back in September as slow, cautious, and unsure. Bette was suffering from years spent hunched over a computer keyboard writing her doctorate and everything seemed to hurt. She barely had the strength to walk on the treadmill at a slow pace. The slightest intensity would make her dizzy and lightheaded.

Now, Bette is 10 pounds lighter and quite a bit stronger. She is consistent with her workouts and always willing to learn and try new and challenging exercises. She recently won the Most Improved in our 1 mile time trial on the bike contest by increasing her resistance level from 7 up to 15, still maintaining the same completion time of just over 3 minutes. That's a huge improvement that Bette should be very proud of, especially for someone who had trouble walking slowly on the treadmill. I expect to see more greatness from Bette in the coming months."

Here is Bette on her experience with us. "I joined FT in September of 2008 to complement the progress I was making with my chiropractic care. I realized I needed balanced muscle tone and strength to keep the new alignment in place.

After 6 months of working out, I am astonished and pleased with the results. Each session has been tailored to my specific needs and has progressively challenged my "AWOL" muscle groups to show up, wake up, and step up to strength and health. My chiropractor can see the results

Each trainer at FT has been conscientious, concerned and knowledgeable. Willing to research alternative exercises to approach correction without harm to progressively strengthened muscles and protecting areas that are not ready for the head on approach. I really value everyone's willingness to work with me to get fit and have fun doing it. I feel healthier and stronger than I have in years and less risk for injury. Thank you Fitness Together."

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