Thursday, April 3, 2008

March Client Competition Winners - Plank

There are many things that you can do in 5 or 6 minutes such as drive 5 miles on the freeway (non-commute time of course) or reheat leftovers on the stove. Now imagine holding one position for that amount of time. Well, that's just what a couple of our clients did for the March competition.

Congratulations to our March Plank competition winners who held their plank position for the remarkable times of:

Marci 6:04

Jenny K. 5:05

And for folks not familiar with this pose, you use the core stomach and back muscles to hold your body flat and off the ground while only resting on your forearms and toes. The average for the competition was around 1:45. For April, the client competition moves to bar pull-ups.

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