Ten years ago if you asked me to go snowshoeing I would have given you the crazy eye. I had recently injured my back, narrowly avoiding surgery and was concerned about getting out of bed, not clammering my way up a mountainside. I started working out at Fitness Together about seven months ago and it has completely changed my life. I no longer dread getting up out of bed and in fact when Brian Mandell asked if I wanted to go snowshoeing I had to take him up on the offer (albeit a little hesitantly).
How shocked was I to notice not only the dramatic improvement in my strength, but my cardio! I was able to keep up with the fitness master (well mostly) and I felt great. It was beyond my wildest dreams to climb that mountain, not be in horrendous pain and be able to show up for another workout and not curse Brian’s name. I’m certain the next time he asks me to go he’s going to make me run up… and I’ll be ready to by that time. Until, next snow season… Thanks to the Fitness Together training team for giving me my outdoor activities back!
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