Great job Lenora. Keep pressing ahead. Here is Lenora's experience in her own words. “When I joined Fitness Together, it was because I had never felt worse in my life. With very low energy and a low mood, I went to see the private facility. I wanted the benefits of what they promote-- “one client, one trainer, one goal”--provided.
I was immediately drawn to the privacy of the studio’s professional set-up. I learned that there was more, i.e., a very highly educated staff of enthusiastic trainers who know how to motivate me through every tough session. They patiently listen to my concerns and give fitness and nutritional advice realistically meets my needs. And, it shows in our work together. I am getting results.
I feel lighter--in more ways than one. I have increased energy and strength, more physical and mental stamina, lower weight, reduced measurements, and the complete disappearance of per menopausal symptoms. However, the best part of my new body is my improved disposition.
Thank you, Fitness Together, for always being upbeat and creating an atmosphere of “can-do” in a place so that I will perform at my own personal best!”
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