Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Fitness Tip - THE #1 way to Lose Weight!

Sounds like an Ad for something right?

Wrong! The #1 way people lose weight is by writing down your food intake on a DAILY basis! Sounds simple? We know this isn’t easy, but it’s proven to work. Studies show that people who track their diets daily are 10 times more likely to lose weight than people who don't.

Tracking your diet keeps your food intake at the forefront of your mind. Being aware of what you put in your mouth and how much you take in, can make or break your weight loss success.

It doesn't matter if you write it on a scrap of paper or track it on a fancy computer system; just as long as you do it consistently throughout the day.

Make sure you write down your meals right after you eat. If you wait to track what you eat until the end of the day or even the next day, people tend to get "calorie amnesia." They forget about the piece of cheese they had with lunch or the latte they had during their break. They may forget to write it down in their journals, but unfortunately the body never forgets!

The next step is to show your journal to your personal trainer. This accountability is INVALUABLE! Just doing this can influence your decisions for many meals ahead. Sounds like a lot of work? We didn't say it was easy, but it is definitely well worth the effort. Remember, this is your health we are talking about! Start tracking today, then watch your food choices change as well as your body!

Remember to make you a priority in 2009!

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