Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Fitness Tips - Tracking Your Progress

Most people like to judge their fitness progress in a couple of ways. Do I feel better? Do my skinny jeans fit? Do I like what the scale says?

Those are important things, but remember, there are many ways to track progress in regards to your overall fitness levels. How do you know when you have increased your fitness level? At Fitness Together, one of the first things we do is a comprehensive fitness evaluation. We track your weight, body measurements, body fat, blood pressure, resting heart rate, lung capacity, upper body endurance, flexibility, and oxygen efficiency. As you progress through your training program, your body changes in more ways than you may realize. Most clients are pleased to see improvement in metrics other than scale weight.

Fitness evaluations are not the only way we measure progress. Your trainer records each workout with weight lifted and repetitions accomplished. Changes reflect an increase in your strength and endurance levels. We have also mentioned the benefits of tracking your food intake on our on-line tracking system. These ways are all measurements that reflect the clients various goals.

Sometimes the numbers don’t change. This information is just as good as when they do change. It means something needs improvement and needs to change. Tracking also gives you a target to aim for. The more focused the path the easier and faster it can be to get there.

Remember to make YOU a Priority in 2009!

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