Thursday, December 18, 2008
Snow Day

Blackout Cardio Contest Winner - Christine

Sunday, December 14, 2008
Jingle Bell Race - Brrrr!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Client Achievements

Mary Jo - Washington Mutual Tower Stair Climb, 56 floors
Antoinette - 5K Turkey Trot in Long Beach, CA
Kathy - Seattle 1/2 Marathon
After basking in the glory of your achievements, now we ask: What's Next?
(Photo: Antoinette on race day.)
Monday, December 8, 2008
November Client Competition - Bike Time Trial
JIngle Bell Training Week 5 - On Your Marks, Get Set, GO!

Monday, December 1, 2008
December Client of the Month - Antoinette Detar

Here is what Antoinette has to say about her experience with us. "Last summer I decided it was time to get healthy and made my 1st appointment at FT – in spite of the usual excuses; no time, no energy, and no desire to work out. Taking that 1st step (which has evolved to jogging!) has really made a positive difference. In addition to the motivating trainers, I am a huge fan of the cardio challenges (speaks to my competitive nature) which have been a significant driver for me to push myself to go above and beyond what I thought I could do. I feel stronger, healthier and have lost over 10% of myself (which I don’t miss!). With help from FT trainer’s advice regarding exercise & diet I look forward to continuing to challenge myself to achieve a healthier way of life. Thanks!"
Monday, November 24, 2008
Jingle Bell Training - Week 4

The blood was flowing through the veins in this workout to keep warm. Only 3 weeks till our race. We take a week off for the Turkey holiday, but will be back at the track here to push ourselves to new heights in 2 weeks!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Jingle Bell Training - Weeks 2 & 3

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
November Client of the Month - Rich Barrientos

"It was January of 2008 when I first began to think seriously about my health. I was in need of a change, a full schedule, and well worn life patterns have gotten in the way of taking care of myself. I had noticed that I had more than a bit of weight gain over the years. I'm coaching youth sports and the kids were running me into the ground. What surprised me the most is when I needed to buy larger clothes. I'm a guy, how many pairs of jeans do I need? What do I do with the old smaller jeans? Throw them out? Not. I don't throw any thing out.
How could this happen? Oh yea, I am not as young, physically, as my mind would lead me to believe. I now have a desk job. Ooh, and that new fantastic bakery opened in the neighborhood.
By April, I decided it was time to make a move. I made an appointment and met with Duncan. I interviewed him and the whole operation. I was impressed. I found that this was a plan that I could get behind. I could put it on the calender and make a commitment to myself and a trainer to get fit. Oh, and I was done buying clothes that are bigger than what was already in my closet. The math said that it was cheaper and healthier than shopping therapy. Though some opinions may differ.
Over the years, I have worked out in a buddy's basement and had several gym memberships in West Seattle, all with various degrees of success. Since joining FT, I have not been so motivated and felt so positive about the things that I get to do in the gym ever. The difference with FT is the personal touch, the genuine honest assessment of my physical abilities and personality to help meet realistic goals. Competition and being challenged are big factors in keeping me interested in most things in life. I believe that working one on one with FT trainers meets exactly that criteria for me. The training changes so that I don't feel bogged down doing repetitious workouts that I have done before. The variety of personality's, training styles and weekly to monthly competition keeps me coming into the studio door. The guidance and tools to for me to succeed are at the FT studio. I am positively encouraged throughout the process and see results mentally and physically."
Jingle Bell Training - Week 1

Awards for this week's training session:
Gutsy Performance: Dale (running despite a cold)
Achievement Awards: Chris and Marilyn for leading the charge with their respective groups
Youngest Performer: Jack (though he was in a stroller)
October Client Contest - Hula Hoop

Congrats Diana and Kathy!
Studio Fright

Monday, October 27, 2008
Blackout Cardio Bingo Contest
Let's hear your fitness B-I-N-G-O!
Jingle Bell Running Group
The end goal is the opportunity to dress up and join the thousands of other Washingtonian's as we venture out in holiday attire to run the streets of Seattle and I-5 on a crisp morning in December. Get those running shoes dusted off and come join us for 5 Sunday training sessions. It's a great way to get your Sunday morning's started. See you at the track - Brian your "Running Coach"!
Monday, October 6, 2008
3-Hour Tour

Friday, October 3, 2008
September Client Competition

October Client of the Month - Carolyn Burton

"Prone cobra, crunch, the bird, bench press, bosu, dead lifts, plank, push-ups. These are foreign words to me. Apply action/motion to them, trust me, they still are foreign words. I think one should only sweat when it’s a sunny 90. I am not an exercise junkie as I hated the gym. So, what the heck got me here? It was a dark, stormy garden day, I was huffing, puffing. A bolt of thought hit me, I am soooo out of shape. I do not want to be this way. I shall overcome slouchy body, huffing, puffing. I’ll get me a trainer, whip me into shape and life will be good. Along the way, I’ve learned good stance, peddle to the metal, concentration, breathe, breathe, breathe, flow motion. Faster Faster Faster. I’ve learned hard work, sweat, dedication and to obey the good direction of the FT staff, to grrrrr my way to lifting 75# weights, bench pressing, & the utter pleasure of 116 rpms! Had anyone told me I would be looking forward to workouts, I would have said they were crazy. After all, I hated gym. Add grrrr to your life, work with the best FT trainers!! Life lived well is the best revenge. Life is good!"
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
September Client of the Month - Chris B.

Here is Chris' training experience: "In February 2007, having just turned 39 and in a period of inconsistent work outs, I passed a sign on the sidewalk advertising personal training. My previous experience working with trainers had been mixed, but the idea of a small studio with a focus on individual clients appealed to me. After my initial workout with Bonnie, I was sold. Bonnie and her team of trainers have been great in helping to keep me motivated during the past year and half. I've made significant improvement in my strength levels and more importantly I feel better during the day and have confidence in myself. With all the stresses of daily life, my time at Fitness Together is a true break that I look forward to."
Le Tour de West Seattle Cardio Contest Winners
Yellow Jersey( Overall): Don R, Jill S, Tilly R - Yes a tie!
Polka Dot Jersey (Hills): Tilly
Green Jersey(Time trial): Antoinette
White Jersey(Rookie): Antoinette
Overall Team: Tilly, Kristin, John F, Ann F
Congratulations to our winners. They put in their time on the cardio machines, anywhere from 4 - 6 days a week, including Saturdays and even after surgery. Now that's what we call dedication.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008
August Client of the Month - Tilly R.

In her own words: "I started out simply wanting my pants to fit better, but when my father passed away from Diabetes last Spring, I became more concerned about making a serious lifestyle change. Both sides of my family suffer from Diabetes and I am making it my number one goal to ensure I remain as healthy as possible. Through hard work, great support from the Fitness Together trainers, and some friendly competition among client members, I'm now on my way to a stronger and healthier me."
Anna's Training Journal - Mid-program

"As I begin week 5 here at Fitness Together, I have come to the realization that I no longer feel like an imposter! I've always felt welcomed, but now I feel like I actually belong. Never before have I looked forward to working out - my confidence has skyrocketed and I am starting to feel results!! This small, close-knit environment is the perfect setting for clients to succeed and I am amazed at how far I've come in such a short period of time!"
FT Team Continues to Grow

Here is a little bit about Jeff and his background: "I have been involved in athletics and competitive sports all of my life. By the age of five, soccer and wrestling were my sports of choice and I pursued both throughout high school and college. I have always had a competitive drive and a desire to help others; it is this combination that has lead me to pursue a career in personal training. My drive to help others succeed in combination with my knowledge of exercise science has given me the ability to help my clients achieve their goals. I do my best to live life with a positive "can do" attitude and work hard to instill this frame of mind in all of my clients. I hold a personal trainer certification through the NSCA (National Strength and Conditioning Association) and a Bachelors of Science."
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Anna Journal - Week 2

"When the time came for my first week at Fitness Together, I was a little apprehensive – mostly afraid of quitting or giving up. But I can only describe week one as awesome and empowering! My confidence in my ability to exercise sky-rocketed and I have never felt stronger (it feels great to use muscles I never knew I had!). The trainers are encouraging and motivating, when I got too familiar with an exercise Heidi changed it up to make it just a bit more challenging - she makes the time go by so quickly!"
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Contest Winner: Why I Need a Personal Trainer - Week 1

Fitness Together put out the call - Why Do You Need a Personal Trainer? The best entry won a two month training package to help them on the path to their health and fitness goals. From all the entries, Anna's essay touched the group the most and was selected to receive the Free Training sessions. Follow her journey as she heads down the road to her new life of wellness. Below Anna talks about her feelings before starting this endeavor.
"I am so thankful to have been chosen as the winner of the 2-month training package – I never win anything! I must admit that as I climbed the stairs to Fitness Together for my first fitness test I was:
- Nervous - it felt reminiscent of the first day of school
- Insecure - I have never had a successful “gym” experience
- Worried – that wouldn’t have enough motivation
- but mostly EXCITED! – I have the opportunity to have a personal trainer and star in my own version of the “Biggest Loser”!
As I embark on week one I definitely have doubts: Am I strong enough? Determined enough? Disciplined enough? But for all my doubts I have high hopes, achievable goals, a little bit of confidence, growing motivation and tremendous enthusiasm!"
Go get'em Anna!
Monday, June 30, 2008
July Client of the Month - Jay D.

No one has worked harder in the last 6 months than Jay. From making changes in his daily diet to embracing cardio and strength training in his weekly routine, Jay has made significant progress towards achieving his health and fitness goals. Besides improving his health, he has added an extra 10 yards to his golf drives this year as well. Keep up the hard work Jay.
In his own words: "I never thought I’d be this guy. After all, I didn’t need a trainer’s help to gain weight over the past 12 years, why would I need one to lose it? But, after five months of training at FT, I wouldn’t do it any other way. The trainers at FT make working out as easy and rewarding as it can be. It’s an opportunity for me to not have to think about what I’m doing and get in a great workout, which is a fantastic stress reliever. Working out at FT has changed my life. My heart now beats 33,120 times per day less than it did. Thanks FT!"
Seafair Relay Team

Monday, June 16, 2008
Summer is Running Time

With great fan fare, the summer running program started out on Father's Day under fabulous sunny skies. Our eyes are set on the Seafair Torchlight Run at the end of July. With a mix of drills, laps around the track, and some sprints, this group is on its way. One foot after another and we will attain our goal of completing either the 5 or 8K race.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
May Jump Rope Competition Winners

Sunday, June 1, 2008
June Client of the Month - Sharon C.

Thursday, May 22, 2008
Welcome to the Team Heidi

Monday, May 19, 2008
Beating the Bridge

The twist with this race is as the race name indicates; beat the bridges from going up. The course starts in front of Husky stadium and crosses over the University Bridge heading south then winding through the back streets near Lake Union returning to the University Bridge before it goes up 20 minutes after the last wave of runners. The course continues through the university area then finishes up down on Husky field to thousands of cheering fans.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
April Pull-Up Competition Winners