Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Happy Holidays
Bonnie, Duncan, Brian, Brenda, Rachel, (and Lulu)
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
December Clients of the Month - The Clemons Family
They worked so hard in the Fall Fitness Challenge competing with other clients as well as between themselves that we couldn't just pick one of them over the other. So the team voted to make them co-Client's of the Month for December. Congratulations on your hard work and progress to date. We look forward to upping the ante on your challenges in the months ahead.
Chris's FT Experience
"I'm highly susceptible to the powers of inertia. When at rest I tend to stay right there until an outside power gets me in motion and I had been at rest for a pretty long time. Trisa and I had talked about trying to put some form of physical activity together, whether it be at a gym or structuring something at home to burn off those extra calories but the grip of the couch and the lure of the television prevented us from reaching our goal. The FT training team has done an excellent job at being that outside power for me and has appealed to my competitive nature with the latest exercise challenge. Along with their encouragement, I have learned the skills to a healthier, more active life."
Trisa's FT Experience
"I've tried many different fitness programs over my life in an effort to increase fitness and manage my weight. My work at Fitness Together has really been different for one main reason. . . the trainers. What I appreciate most is how knowledgeable the trainers are. They work with me to ensure I'm getting the most out of my workouts even when faced with injuries, aches and pains, and those low-energy days. My time at Fitness Together is more than just a workout; it's an education."
Hitting Her Stride

Big Kudos go out to Kathy H. for completing the recent Seattle Half-Marathon. Under cool and cloudy conditions, Kathy went stride for stride with her coach for 13.1 miles setting a new PR while beating her time from last year's race by 29 minutes.
All of those sprints, hill climbs, crunches, planks, and burpees paid off in achieving her goal. Congratulations on this accomplishment!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Fall Fitness Challenge - Final Results
And we have winner! Well, everyone is a winner who participated in the Fall Fitness Challenge by improving their health. But the client who finished atop the leader board turned out to be Rich who was holding second for most of the contest. He snuck by with a final push in bonus points in the last week to pass "Everyday Ada". It was a great race by all who participated. Here are the final results:
Rich: 201 points / 1st Prize = 3 Free Sessions
Ada: 186 points / 2nd Prize = 2 Free Sessions
Chris: 143 points / 3rd Prize = 1 Free Session
Sangree: 133 points
Trisa: 117 points
Wendy: 115 points / Most Improved = 1 Free Massage
Everyone on the leader board participated anywhere from 4 - 6 days per week. By the end of the contest, all had seen some changes whether in body composition or in their cardiovascular health. This contest was a good reminder that by staying active each day, you can make changes to your body, you just have to make the commitment to yourself for the time.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Welcome New Team Addition - Brenda

The West Seattle team is excited to welcome Brenda to our evening training team. She brings a wealth of experience and enthusiasm to those needing a jump start after work. We think you will do handstands just like her.
Here is a little bit of background on our latest addition. "By nature, I have always been a competitive, active individual. From age 8 to 18 I participated in gymnastics, dance and softball. In college I developed a passion for rugby and danced throughout. These days my activities include running and weight training of course! The joy I have from my job stems from the fact that all major diseases which shorten our lifespans stem from lack of proper nutrition and exercise and high stress levels... and that ALL of these can changed by their opposites (exercise, eating right, and decreasing stress levels!) To know that I am helping people live a longer, happier, healthier life motivates me every day to do it all over again!
I have been a personal trainer since 2005 and am certified by the International Sports and Science Association (ISSA) as a CPT, the National Academy of Sports and Medicine (NASM) as a CPT, Performance Enhancing Specialist (PES) and Corrective Exercise Specialist (CES). I am also certified by the American Heart Association in First Aid and CPR as well as having a BA from Saint Mary's College of California."
Thursday, November 12, 2009
November Client of the Month
She maybe a little shy about being recognized; however we aren't. E.A. (she wants to remain nameless) has worked extremely hard in her time with us. In her time away from the studio, she has fun doing Scottish dancing. All of the burpees, box shuffles, and squats have helped increase her endurance for her weekly dancing events. No more sitting on the sidelines trying to re-cooperate - she leads the group now.
EA proves that age has no limits on what you can accomplish. Sky's the limit E.A. - keep up the hard work and have fun in the process. Here is what EA has to say about her experience. "Fitness Together! How can I begin to say what that title meant to me. Instead of a cold neon lit gym with lots of sweaty, muscle bound people showing off their bodies on numerous machines; I found a warm friendly atmosphere and trainers who really cared about their clients needs and abilities.
I belong to the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society and used to get a real workout, but as the summer began, the dancing stopped. So I had to look for exercise elsewhere.
I timidly phoned Fitness Together and was delighted with their response. All of the trainers are dedicated and have endless patience, and with all I have begun to feel real improvement in my strength. I couldn't even use a treadmill when I started and now I can work up to 30 minutes on it at a fairly good pace. My dancing ability has improved tremendously. I can now dance for 2 hours and not sit down to rest.
So 3 cheers for Fitness Together. I will not go anywhere else as I find my sessions really enjoyable."
Fall Fitness Challenge - Week 6 Results
Everyday Ada 154
Rich B. 146
Sangree F 95
Chris 93
Trisa 78
Wendy 76
Anne G 75
Bette J 54
Push it to the max gang! "Better to burn out then to fade away." - Neil Young
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Fall Fitness Challenge - Week 5 Results
Everyday Ada 132
Rich B. 124
Sangree F 76
Chris 67
Anne G 65
Wendy 60
Trisa 57
Bette J 54
Keep those legs moving and the lungs a busting!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Fall Fitness Challenge - Week 4 Results
Everyday Ada 104
Rich B. 99
Sangree F 63
Chris 55
Trisa 53
Bette J 51
Anne G 51
Wendy 45
Keep on moving!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Fall Fitness Challenge - Week 3 Results
Week 3
Everyday Ada 79
Rich B. 73
Sangree F 45
Wendy 43
Bette J 38
Anne G 38
Chris 38
Trisa 37
Keep up the hard work!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Fall Fitness Challenge - Week 2 Results
Week 2
Everyday Ada 51
Rich B. 47
Sangree F 32
Bette J 30
Anne G 28
Wendy 28
For those with only a few points, use these totals as motivation to come in visit us each day to see the results you are looking for.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
October Client of the Month - Matt Y.
We always love to see clients return to work on their health and fitness goals. In his first go around, Matt had his workouts in the evenings, but with his return to the studio he has moved to the early morning sessions. Not only is his energy level higher, it has been more conducive with his work and travel schedule.
Despite his frequent travels to the east coast and back, Matt has really pushed himself not only on the strength side, but with his cardio workouts here and at home. Great job holding yourself accountable Matt and we look forward to helping you continue to raise the bar!
In Matt's own words: "The Fitness Together experience has been positive both from the gains I have made physically and the way I feel as a client. The trainers are genuinely interested in my success. Their positive attitude and commitment reinforces my desire to stay committed to the process. The individually tailored sessions make a real difference in getting great workout in a short period of time, which is important with a busy schedule. Thank you Fitness Together team for doing a great job."
Just kickin' It
Fall Fitness Challenge - WEEK 1 Results
Week 1
Everyday Ada 23
Rich B. 21
Bette J 15
Anne G 12
Follow the lead of Rich and Ada and you will find yourself in good health. Keep up with the commitment. It is a race to see who can reach 76 points first. Good luck to all!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Fall Fitness Challenge
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
September Client of the Month - Wendy Cullen

"After a very challenging first six months of 2009, I recommitted to my goal of getting in shape, and have been working out three times a week since mid-July. I have been an FT client in
New Morning Addition

Here is a little bit about Dee's background and training philosophy. "I received All-American honors for being third in the nation in the mile and fifth in the 1500 meters. While competing on an collegiate level I won two cross country championships as well as obtaining four university records.
Now my passion is to bring people the joy of reaching personal goals through fitness. Through my own endeavors, I have realized how powerful and important goals are when improving fitness. My target is helping others see their potential and get results through motivation, accountability, knowledge and experience. I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Sport Science and a CPR and AED certification from the American Red Cross."
Welcome to the team DEE!
Bakers Dozen
Bakers Dozen Award
Ada R.
Anne G.
Bette J.
Jay D.
Matt Y.
Wendy C.
They have been rewarded not only with improved health, but a free session to continue with their program. Great job team setting the standards and leading by example. Keep up the hard work and your goals will be achieved!
August Plank Winners
Plank on 2 Bosu's
Heidi 4:14
John C 3:41
Rich 3:30
Plank on 1 Bosu
John C 3:09
CeCe 3:04
Sevrin 2:35
Plank on the Floor
John C 3:14
Leslie 2:10
Angela 2:03
The next competition involves the legs - think along the lines of squats. Good luck everyone.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Danskin Triathlon Finishes
Friday, July 31, 2009
New Team Member - Matt

Here is a little bit about Matt's background and philosopy. "My passion for fitness started at a young age with the involvement of team sports such as baseball, basketball, volleyball, football, and track and field. I later discovered Rugby in High School and been playing since. I take what I’ve learned from all sports and their trainings and incorporate them into workouts for all ages and fitness levels. I believe that hard work, discipline, having a competitive drive, and being consistent are keys to success to reaching your fitness goals. I also believe that exercise should be fun, so I try to be as creative as possible when working out.
I hold a Kinesiology degree and a personal training certification through AFAA. I am also First Aid, CPR, and AED certified through American Heart Association. I try to take all the knowledge and experience from school and sports to help people reach their fitness goals, what ever it takes."
August Client of the Month - Sangree Froelicher
For August, we selected Sangree as our Client of the Month for the progress she made since her last assessment. She has been pushing her boundaries both physically and mentally about fitness and it shows not only in her dedication but in the bottom line results. Great Job Sangree. Keep on swinging with the kettle bell!
Sangree talks about her experience at Fitness Together in her own words. "I entered into this collaborative agreement with Fitness Together West Seattle based on synergistic goals and opportunities that would help me address the health and fitness issues I was facing. From the beginning, I felt that we were aligned around the defined goals I had for myself. Throughout my affiliation with Fitness Together, I have used this partnership as a means to tackle these goals, and to make the most of the situation. By pooling knowledge and competencies with the Fitness Together team, I have been able to realize great progress toward my health and fitness goals.
I have increased my capacity to generate new (to me) and better ways of thinking about health and fitness. Working through a training and nutrition process that encourages exploration is what has allowed me to break new ground (rewire my brain) and challenge some of my accepted wisdom.
Embarking on this new undertaking has seemed costly in time and money. However, these additional costs have been demonstrably worthwhile. After my 2nd evaluation the report of findings was a thrill to read. Overall, I improved greatly in both fitness performance and indicators of health. The report helped to demonstrate the changes I was making to my health and fitness, and have motivated me to continue down this path. The cost in time and money has proven to be worth the investment."
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Test Your Strength
Here is video from the West Seattle Blog highlighting Duncan with the Strongman in action.
Monday, July 6, 2009
July Client of the Month - Megan G.

For July, we selected Megan as our Client of the Month for her dedication over the last 4 months. She has been training consistently 3 times a week with a trainer and doing cardio here and at home. Every month we see the improvement in her times and overall endurance. Keep up the hard work Megan - we are all behind you!
Megan describes her experience at Fitness Together. "I think the main advantage to the personal training environment is accountability. You can have all the desire in the world, but if you don't have anyone looking over your shoulder and holding you accountable for your everyday decisions it's easy to slip back into bad habits.
I started at Fitness Together in December of 2008 with the goal of improving my overall health and resetting my own patterns for diet and exercise. I came in determined to commit to the process and see it through, and I've been noticing improvements in my health ever since. I truly get the sense that the trainers I work with at FT all have my best interests at heart and are rooting for my success. Their encouragement and my own determination are driving me to achieve my goals one session at a time."
Rock-n-Roll Marathon Finishers
Great job ladies. Give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done. Time to enjoy the accomplishment, then start training for the next goal! We are here to help.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Mt. Rainier Cardio Contest: Final Team Standings
Here are the final team standings for the Mt. Rainier Cardio Contest:
Team 7: 148 pts (Verne, Frank, Rene, Don)
Team 1: 103 pts (Keith, Megan, Bridget, Victoria)
Team 9: 86 pts (Ada, Richard, Antoinette, John C)
Team2: 79 pts (Rich, Aili Dee, Veronica, Tony)
Great job by all who participated. Remember, everyone is a winner when they do their cardio!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Mt. Rainier Cardio Contest Winner
Congratulations to our finishers for all their hard work:
1st: Rich
2nd: Verne
3rd: Ada
The only award still up for grabs is the team prize. However, team 7 has a commanding lead and should hold onto the lead as we finish out week 6. Great job by all involved!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Mt. Rainier Cardio Contest: Week 5 Standings
Here are the standings after Week 5.
Team 7: 121 pts (Verne, Frank, Rene, Don)
Team 1: 88 pts (Keith, Megan, Bridget, Victoria)
Team 9: 79 pts (Ada, Richard, Antoinette, John C)
Team2: 73 pts (Rich, Aili Dee, Veronica, Tony)
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Mt. Rainier Cardio Contest: Week 4 Standings
Team 7: 93 pts (Verne, Frank, Rene, Don)
Team 1: 70 pts (Keith, Megan, Bridget, Victoria)
Team 9: 64 pts (Ada, Richard, Antoinette, John C)
Team2: 61 pts (Rich, Aili Dee, Veronica, Tony)
Despite the summer weather, keep hitting the cardio not only for your team, but your health. Stay tuned for results of this furious finish!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Fitness Tip - Healthy Popsicles
We all scream for ice cream in the summer heat! A great way to cool off when it gets above 70 degrees here in Seattle without compromising your healthy lifestyle, is with a refreshing protein popsicle. It’s really quick and easy….
Protein Popsicle: (
2 cups frozen fruit (berries, mangoes, banana, pineapple, etc)
4 scoops of vanilla protein powder of your choice (preferably low-carb). (A great brand is called Energy First sweetened with Stevia, a natural sweetener. It can be purchased on-line at
¾ cup of water –can add more or less for various thickness
Pour into popsicle molds and freeze overnight.
June Client of the Month - "Everyday Ada" Rodriguez Brown
"I joined Fitness Together in January of 2009 to get rid of the lard I was walking around with and to get into shape. At 23, I already felt that my best years were behind me. I have shed many tears of frustration when it comes to my body and my capabilities. I am shocked at every session by how far I've come. The clothes from the back of my closet now fit. I am no longer intimidated by the Seattle hills. The nutrition and training sessions have transformed my relationship with food. I am more concerned about having enough energy for my workout, than the convenience of my meal.
FT is the best investment I've made in myself and I truly regret not starting earlier. I feel like a new woman with endless possibilities. I am a difficult client and want to thank the FT Team for dragging me, kicking and screaming, through the last four months. I think I ♥ working out."
Monday, June 1, 2009
Mt. Rainier Cardio Contest: Week 3 Standings
Team 7 has taken a commanding lead. With Don back from vacation, the added points have vaulted his team out in front. There is a heated battle for 3rd and 4th place. Here is how the team standings are shaping up.
Team 7: 67 pts (Verne, Frank, Rene, Don)
Team 1: 53 pts (Keith, Megan, Bridget, Victoria)
Team 9: 46 pts (Ada, Richard, Antoinette, John C)
Team2: 44 pts (Rich, Aili Dee, Veronica, Tony)
The winner of the team competition will be the one that has the most participation. Get those teammates involved.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Mt. Rainier Cardio Contest: Week 2 Standings
From the team side of things there are 4 teams in the hunt right now:
Team 7: 37 pts (Verne, Frank, Rene, Don)
Team 1: 33 pts (Keith, Megan, Bridget, Victoria)
Team 9: 29 pts (Ada, Richard, Antoinette, John C)
Team2: 28 pts (Rich, Aili Dee, Veronica, Tony)
It will be a fast and furious race to the finish and as we approach the half-way mark of the contest, may the best axe win!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Fitness Tips - Exercise While Traveling
How do you stay fit while on the road? Lots of people travel for work, or even vacation regularly. The best way to get your workouts in on the road is to stay at a hotel that has a workout room. (Even better is when you actually use it!) If there is no workout room, it is possible to do a full body workout in your own hotel room. Here is what it looks like:
Push ups: 3 sets x 10-15 reps
Floor crunches: 3 sets x 20 reps
Body weight squats: 3 sets x 20 reps (or jump squats for increased intensity)
Body weight lunges: 3 sets x 15-20 reps (or jump lunges for increased intensity)
Superman back extensions: 10 reps with 5 seconds rest
Planks: for 1 min. x 3 sets
Keep your fitness a priority even when you are away! When you return to your regular schedule, it won’t take you as long to get back on track with your optimal shape.
Remember to make YOU a Priority in 2009!Monday, May 11, 2009
Mt. Rainier Cardio Assault Contest
The latest cardio contest will reward those that are consistent with their workouts. In addition, all points earned will be added to a team total. The team with the most points at the end of the 6 week contest will also win a prize.
See if you have what it takes to reach the summit!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
2 Year Anniversary Training - Duncan
Having a business background,
Thank You Duncan for 2 awesome years!!
May Client of the Month - Bette Joram
We wanted to recognize Bette for all her hard work since she started with us. Here is a little bit about Bette from
Now, Bette is 10 pounds lighter and quite a bit stronger. She is consistent with her workouts and always willing to learn and try new and challenging exercises. She recently won the Most Improved in our 1 mile time trial on the bike contest by increasing her resistance level from 7 up to 15, still maintaining the same completion time of just over 3 minutes. That's a huge improvement that Bette should be very proud of, especially for someone who had trouble walking slowly on the treadmill. I expect to see more greatness from Bette in the coming months."
Here is Bette on her experience with us. "I joined FT in September of 2008 to complement the progress I was making with my chiropractic care. I realized I needed balanced muscle tone and strength to keep the new alignment in place.
After 6 months of working out, I am astonished and pleased with the results. Each session has been tailored to my specific needs and has progressively challenged my "AWOL" muscle groups to show up, wake up, and step up to strength and health. My chiropractor can see the results
Monday, April 27, 2009
Fitness Tip - Injury Treatment
A few tips back we talked about types of injuries, ways to strengthen weak areas, and how we work around them. What about actually dealing with the injury itself? Let’s just be clear that we are talking acute injuries or injuries that happen suddenly from activity. Chronic injuries need more intense treatment.
I’m sure everyone is familiar with the acronym R.I.C.E. This stands for Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. It is the common and recognized standard practice for recovering from acute training/sport injuries. Let’s look at each component.
REST – This is hard for some people and too easy for others. For someone who is trying to improve their fitness, coming to a complete stop for a week or two may not be a good idea. There are plenty of ways to work around the injury by focusing on other movements. Key point: Rest the injured area but stay moderately active. Also, really make a point of getting enough sleep. Sleep is where the body repairs itself and grows stronger.
ICE – Icing the injury keeps the inflammation and swelling down. This helps draw blood away from the area and improves healing time. This is necessary when the injury first occurs. There are several ways to ice. Using an ice pack, frozen popcorn or peas (
COMPRESSION- Compression to the injured area slows speeds healing by reducing the inflammation. Compression decreases pain of the injury. The best way to compress an area is to wrap it with sports tape or and ace bandage. Throbbing may signify that the bandage is too tight, so loosen it just enough so it is firm, yet not constricting.
ELEVATION- This also keeps swelling to a minimum. It is most effective to elevate an injured area above the heart. If you have a sprained ankle, while laying down, propping your foot up with a couple of pillows will work.
Once the swelling is down and the injury has had a chance to heal, your trainer can begin to slowly work in exercises, stretching positions to strengthen and retain the effected area.
There is one more grain of rice that we should mention.
Anti-inflammatories - Acetaminophen, Naproxen, and Ibuprofen are all common anti-inflammatory medications. These medications, if used wisely, for a short period of time will really help put the fire out, and reduce the pain so you can stay active. What’s the best? Usually the one that you can take without upsetting your stomach or affecting you adversely in some way. It takes time for the medication to build in your system, so make sure you stick to the dosage schedule even though you might be feeling better.Friday, April 17, 2009
Fitness Tip - Active Lifestyle
Tis’ the season for gardening, long walks with the dog, and spring cleaning. How do these activities fit in with my exercise program? Does walking the dog count as my cardio workout? How about cleaning out the garage? Pulling those weeds out of the yard is definitely a workout!
The good news is these are considered to be daily activities and adds significantly to an active lifestyle. The bad news is, they are NOT considered to be strength training or cardio workouts. The main reason is in the intensity and duration of each activity.
Although walking along the beach burns calories, generally speaking for most people, the heart rate does not get high enough or last long enough to increase your cardiovascular endurance. If you are looking for significant changes in your fitness level and body composition, the intensity needs to be increased and your heart rate must be maintained at a higher level for at least 20 minutes or more.
The other aspect is your body adapts to everything you do. It will get used to doing the same loop around the park, which may have been challenging at first, but a month later your body adapts and starts to burn less and less calories. For increasing your fitness level and weight loss, that is a killer.
What people notice when they start a weight training program or increase the intensity of their cardio workout, is that they can do their daily activities with greater ease. Chasing the kids around is a little less exhausting, lower backs don’t ache after gardening, and walking the dog turns into a run in the park.
Don’t get me wrong, an active lifestyle is the way to go! Taking the stairs and parking at the far end of a parking lot keeps you moving and living. But don’t confuse these activities with the work it takes during a real workout that can lead to big changes in your strength, endurance, and body composition.Remember to make YOU a priority in 2009!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Fitness Tip - Top 10 Nutrition Tips
The down and dirty Top 10 Tips of Good Nutrition!
1. Eat breakfast.
2. Drink water. Lots of it.
3. Eat a serving of lean protein (chicken, turkey, fish, lean beef/pork/buffalo) at every meal.
4. Try to get most of your carbohydrate from fresh vegetables and fruit.
5. Healthy fats (nuts, avocado, olive oil) are good for you
6. Eat protein and carbohydrate together. Always together.
7. Read nutrition labels.
8. AVOID SUGAR! Especially anything with High Fructose Corn Syrup. Again read nutrition labels.
9. Eat something every 3 hours.
10. Plan your meals.
Remember to make YOU a priority in 2009!
Friday, April 3, 2009
Client Achievements - Vacation
Thursday, April 2, 2009
April Client of the Month - Kathy Herigstad
Here is what Kathy has to say about her experience at Fitness Together. "The trainers at FT are great to work with. The benefits of working with a trainer one-on-one have brought my overall fitness to a higher level. The last 8 months working at FT have helped me to remain motivated to expand my workouts in and out of the gym.
FT has more than met my expectations for helping me to build overall strength and muscles, which help me in ALL my sport activities and life. Each day I workout, I know my trainer is ready to raise the bar with new workout challenges to help me achieve my goals, while keeping me smiling during those booty kicking workouts! I see this as an investment in myself and a commitment to my overall health. I'm glad I have a team on my side like FT."
March Client Competition Winners - Bike Time Trial
Our second prize for this month goes to Bette for being Most Improved on the Bike. She started out at Level 7 and finished out at Level 15. After each jump in resistance, her times improved, showing that with persistence, anything is possible. Congratulations to both winners this month. Next up - core work!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Fitness Tips - Tracking Your Progress
Those are important things, but remember, there are many ways to track progress in regards to your overall fitness levels. How do you know when you have increased your fitness level? At Fitness Together, one of the first things we do is a comprehensive fitness evaluation. We track your weight, body measurements, body fat, blood pressure, resting heart rate, lung capacity, upper body endurance, flexibility, and oxygen efficiency. As you progress through your training program, your body changes in more ways than you may realize. Most clients are pleased to see improvement in metrics other than scale weight.
Fitness evaluations are not the only way we measure progress. Your trainer records each workout with weight lifted and repetitions accomplished. Changes reflect an increase in your strength and endurance levels. We have also mentioned the benefits of tracking your food intake on our on-line tracking system. These ways are all measurements that reflect the clients various goals.
Sometimes the numbers don’t change. This information is just as good as when they do change. It means something needs improvement and needs to change. Tracking also gives you a target to aim for. The more focused the path the easier and faster it can be to get there.
Remember to make YOU a Priority in 2009!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
New Team Member - Gretchen
Here is a little bit about her fitness background in her own words. "Fitness hasn't always been an important part of my life. A former couch potato/smoker/Twinkie eater, and a car accident that left me with a broken femur and a metal rod in it's place changed all of that. My limited mobility and exhaustion after each rehabilitation session made me realize the importance of being fit and healthy. Ten years later, I am an avid runner, strength trainer, and enjoy sharing my passion with others. I am a certified personal trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) with a specialization in Pre and Post Natal Exercise."
Fitness Tip - Working Out With Injuries
Working out with injuries can be challenging and frustrating. Here are some things to think about if you get an injury and how to avoid them in the future.
Types of Injuries
There are 2 types of injuries that occur “acute” or “chronic.”
Acute injuries, such as a sprained ankle or strained muscle may occur suddenly during activity.
Chronic injuries usually result from overusing one area of the body while playing a sport, exercising over a long period, or a repetitive motion. Examples of this may include carpel tunnel syndrome from daily computer use or a knee injury from marathon training.
What Should I Do If I Suffer An Injury?
Whether an injury is acute or chronic, there is never a good reason to try and "work through" the pain of an injury. When you have pain from a particular movement or activity, STOP! Continuing the activity only causes further harm. It’s best to lay off exercise from the upper body if there is a shoulder injury, but instead focus on the lower body to keep your fitness levels up while you are recovering.
If the inflammation subsides, doing non-weight baring range of motion exercises will bring blood flow to injured area. This helps with repair and breaks up the scar tissue which creates stiffness in the joint.
Injury Prevention
Due to the fragile design of our joints, there are 3 TOP Common Injuries:
Rotator cuff - Strengthening the tiny muscles that support the shoulder joint is key to reducing shoulder injuries
Lower back - Core strength and hamstring flexibility is so important for lower back pain.
Knee injuries - Along with wearing good shoes, strengthening all the muscles around the knee joint will help with the proper tracking and stabilization of the knee joint
Doing exercise with the proper form always reduces your risk of injury. Stretching and strengthening your muscles will help support the body to repair and prevent injury. Make sure you drink plenty of water so your body is hydrated. If you don’t drink enough water, your body will take moisture out of the tissues which leave your body prone to injury. And lastly, utilize a personal trainer to keep that well trained eye on your technique.Monday, March 16, 2009
Chasing Rainbows and Leprechauns

This year's course was new, as 2008 was the last year of the Dash on Hwy 99 (the Viaduct). While there were no views due to the weather this year, the course had its share of hills with a steady

Despite the weather, adults and kids alike joined in the fun to celebrate St. Patrick's Day and let out their inner leprechaun. Congratulations to the FT clients who participated in the event: Kathy, Jeni, and Antoinette. Hopefully, spring weather will return so we can break out the shorts for the next running event.

Thursday, March 12, 2009
Fitness Tip - Exercise Frequency
How much exercise you need depends on many factors.
The Surgeon General says:
“It is recommended that Americans accumulate at least 30 minutes (adults) or 60 minutes (children) of moderate physical activity most days of the week. Even greater amounts of physical activity may be necessary for the prevention of weight gain, for weight loss, or for sustaining weight loss.”
For weight control or weight loss, we recommend:
Cardiovascular Training: 3 – 6 times per week with vigorous activity 20 - 60 minutes a day.
Flexibility Training: As much as possible during the week (e.g. Add 10 min or more to the end of your cardio or strength training routine to stretch or attend a yoga class each week).
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Fitness Tip - THE #1 way to Lose Weight!
Wrong! The #1 way people lose weight is by writing down your food intake on a DAILY basis! Sounds simple? We know this isn’t easy, but it’s proven to work. Studies show that people who track their diets daily are 10 times more likely to lose weight than people who don't.
Tracking your diet keeps your food intake at the forefront of your mind. Being aware of what you put in your mouth and how much you take in, can make or break your weight loss success.
It doesn't matter if you write it on a scrap of paper or track it on a fancy computer system; just as long as you do it consistently throughout the day.
Make sure you write down your meals right after you eat. If you wait to track what you eat until the end of the day or even the next day, people tend to get "calorie amnesia." They forget about the piece of cheese they had with lunch or the latte they had during their break. They may forget to write it down in their journals, but unfortunately the body never forgets!
The next step is to show your journal to your personal trainer. This accountability is INVALUABLE! Just doing this can influence your decisions for many meals ahead. Sounds like a lot of work? We didn't say it was easy, but it is definitely well worth the effort. Remember, this is your health we are talking about! Start tracking today, then watch your food choices change as well as your body!
Remember to make you a priority in 2009!
Monday, March 2, 2009
March Client of the Month - Anne Galt

In Anne’s own words. “In December of 2007, my son sent me an e-mail with the message said ‘check this out – Fitness Together West Seattle’. He has been encouraging me to ‘take care of myself’ and so I thought I owed it to him to at least ‘check it out’. It is now a little more than a year later and I am still excited about coming ‘to the gym’.
The staff has been friendly, encouraging, supportive and understanding. The trainers focus on me (they aren’t gabbing with other people like some trainers I have had at regular gyms) and show me how to do the exercises correctly and encourage me to give it my all. Just about the time I think I have it ‘nailed’ my trainer bumps it up a notch. All good things!
I like the one on one with the trainer. It keeps both of us focused on our ‘job’ of getting me in better shape. My workouts are tailored for my personal needs. My trainer listens when I tell her/him that a body part is being cranky – and he/she works around the cranky part. But they still gives me a good workout and push me to my limits. The fitness evaluations help me to see my progress and also what areas I need to work on harder.
February Client Competition Winners

Female: Marci
Male: Joe
Joe had the fastest time of everyone. Nice work not only by the winners, but everyone who participated the contest. There were many improvements due to consistency in client's cardio workouts. This fun little interval will help everyone as the weather improves and we all start to go outside. Next month's competition: 1 mile Time Trial on the bike. Goal is to finish under 3 minutes.
Blackout Cardio Bingo Contest II Winners

Stability Ball - Bette
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Fitness Tip - Hydration

We're always telling clients to drink more water. But why and how much? Here are some of the benefits of drinking water.
- Helps to suppress appetite
- Regulates body temperature
- Helps the body to release stored water
- Ensures proper organ function
- Aids in metabolism of water
- Acts as a key ingredient to muscle contraction
- Helps rid the body of waste and avoid constipation
Use this rule instead: Drink half your body weight in ounces per day. That's a lot of water you say. Yes, but you need the water.
How do I drink all that water in one day? Simple get a 32 oz. water bottle (BPA free of course) and drink it. Repeat it as necessary. And yes, you will pee a lot as well:)
Remember to make YOU a priority in 2009.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Fitness Tip - D.O.M.S.
When you are doing a weight training exercise, the eccentric phase of the exercise (the part where you are resisting gravity) creates tiny tears in the muscle and connective tissue. Don't fear as it's really a good sign when this happens. It means you are "overloading" the muscle. When you overload the muscle, it will tear, then repair itself, and get stronger.
Your body will always adapt to the workload you put on it. When it comes to getting fit, you don't want your body to adapt to the workloads, unless you just want to maintain your fitness level. In order to change your body and get stronger, your muscles require "overload" in different ways. Higher amounts of weight and new exercises will always keep your body guessing.
Try to embrace the soreness, its a good sign of progress. Don't worry, it will decrease in another day or two. In the mean time, here are some ways to help deal with it:
Ice/heat, stretching, massage, proper nutrition - remember your protein, hydration, cardio - which increases blood flow
If you are NOT sore after a workout, you may not be working at an intensity that is challenging enough or your body is used to the workout you are doing. Working with a personal trainer can help to push you to your limits which creates real results. What's the old saying: "No Pain, No Gain. It may apply here.
Remember to make YOU a priority in 2009!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Love'em or Leave'em 5K Race
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Fitness Tip - Streeeetching
It's best to stretch when muscles are warm. Think of your muscles like a piece of taffy. When taffy is warm, it can move fluidly and stretch without tearing or breaking. The same is true for your muscles. The best way to stretch is after you are warmed up. Ten minutes on the cardio machines or brisk movement will do. You can also wait to stretch after your workout (that way you are really warmed up!). Benefits of regular stretching:
- Improved flexibility, endurance, and strength of the muscles
- Reduced muscle soreness, aches and pains.
- Better muscular and joint mobility
- Prevention of some lower back problems
- Improved body alignment and posture
- Decrease chance of injuries
- Improved ability to do daily activities like getting in and out of the car, or bending down and tying your shoe.
It's not always easy to see the benefits of stretching right away. Don't give up! Over time, you will see a real difference. Tracking your flexibility, like we do in your fitness evaluation, may also be motivating enough to continue stretching!
Remember, make YOU a priority in 2009!
Monday, February 2, 2009
February Client of the Month - Heidi Baughman

Here is Heidi on her time at FT. "After many unused gym memberships, failed diets, and lack of nutritional knowledge, I am now armed with the tools and determination to get into the best shape of my life. I have made huge steps towards achieving my goals (get in shape and lose 20 lbs). The FT trainers keep the workouts varied and push the intensity harder than I can push myself. I've changed everything... no drinking for over a month, no caffeine, eating super healthy and balanced food, while working out 4 - 5 days a week. I'm excited about my progress and think I will be ready to wear a bikini in March!"
January Client Competition Winners

Congratulations to the following clients on their record setting accomplishments:
Rich - 206 pull squats
Ce Ce - 197 pull squats
Next up - stair climbing!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Fitness Tip: Functional Fitness vs. Machines
Functional Fitness vs. Machines
At Fitness Together, you won't find a lot of big weight training machines for individual body parts. In fact, we only need a few key pieces of equipment that are geared towards "functional fitness." What exactly does that mean?
Functional fitness works on training your whole body as a unit. Your body works together as a unit to move and perform work. For example, when you reach up to get a plate from the top shelf of the cupboard, you may balance on one leg, reach your arm, and lift the plate off the shelf, then slowly lower it so it doesn't slip and break. Our workouts can train your body to lift overhead while balancing. We can help make everyday movements easier and more efficient.
All those machines you see at a big gym are not designed with functional fitness in mind. When you sit down to use a machine at the gym, you are able to isolate individual muscle groups, which is more for body building, but the rest of your body goes to sleep. It rests while your biceps get strong.
Using functional movements, we work your back, legs, core, shoulders, and biceps all at the same time. Combining functional movements shortens the workout, increases the intensity (which burns more calories), and you get more accomplished during your training session. Clients who train with us move more independently, stay active longer, and feel better enjoying time with family and friends.
Remember to make YOU a priority in 2009!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
FT - West Seattle Celebrates 2nd Birthday
We want to thank all past and present clients for your support and a big thank you goes out to the following clients who have been with us from Day 1:
Lorrie Brogan
Jim Gahagan
Ce Ce Justice
We look forward to helping more members of the West Seattle community to reach their health and fitness goals in the coming years.
Thanks West Seattle,
Bonnie Katz
Monday, January 19, 2009
Blackout Cardio Bingo Contest II

It's back!!!! Just in time to start the New Year. The holidays are over so its time to get back to the daily routine including cardio and workouts. This version of the contest gives credit for workouts with the trainer and also encourages doing some form of cardio outside of the studio (e.g. running, biking, hiking, snowshoeing). The main goal of the contest is still to work towards Blackout of your scorecard. Seven weeks - time to get moving to see who will win this contest. Good luck to all participants!!